This remake of the classic “Challenge” Scene from ‘The Sandlot’ was done as a part of Exeter Township’s Park And Recreation’s Playground Program End of the Year Bash. At the end of every summer playground we hold a ‘end of the summer party’ with a theme attached, and 2010’s theme was ‘A Movie Award Ceremony.’ Each playground as a part of the program created a scene, or a short verison of a ‘classic’ movie, and then they we’re presented at the bash. Sport’s Camp’s Sandlot brought home two awards that evening, including best comedic performance, by Jarad Hinkle for his wonderful performance of “Ham Porter,” and most dramic performance by Nathan Cox, for his one line as “Benny Rodriguez”
The Screenplay was adopted from the original movie, and was Directed and Edited by Sports Camp’s Head Leader Brad Kopicz.
* I claim no rights to the music that was used in this film *
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