***UPDATE AUGUST 18, 2015***
It is with great sadness that I share the passing of Tom “The Kung Fu Grandpa” Bell on Friday August 14, 2015. Over 10 million people were fortunate enough to make his acquaintance via YouTube, television & print appearances the last couple of years. And, although our paths crossed unexpectedly, I am better because of it. He was a great man, husband, father, & friend. Rest Well Tom.
— Pastor ARM
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This, folks, right HERE is Richmond VA at it’s finest! Jesus be a radioactive fence all around me right now and forever! . . . At the Food Lion off of Brook & Parham, 1288 N Concord Ave!
*UPDATE: Check out my NATIONAL & LOCAL television interviews here:
**UPDATE: OH MY GOODNESS! I’ve been AUTO-TUNED! Yeeaaahh Buddy!!! ROTFLMBO!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czz6velCAFA
*UPDATE: Kung Fu Grandpa’s DAUGHTER reached out to me on Facebook. She said her dad thinks the video commentary is AMAZING! He’s a cool dude!
***LOL! Here’s Kung Fu Grandpa’s SON stunting like his daddy! His DAUGHTER Angela is commentating! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRvYOhNd4Mc
***CLASSIC! Here’s Kung Fu Grandpas “Doritos” commercial he shot for the Super Bowl Contest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdnCS8T-8mo
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